Father and Son trips are some of Captain Dave's favorites.
It has been an unusual year on Lake Thurmond/Clarks Hill so far. We continue to have some great trips although not as consistently as the last several years. Fish are strange creatures- who can explain them? The warm winter may have been the culprit. Despite the 100 degree days that we've experienced in the last several weeks and the Lake continuing to drop, we have had some exciting early morning fishing. I've especially enjoyed the family trips. As many of you know, I always look forward to introducing young fisherman to the striper fishery. They get so happy when they land a really nice one!
If August goes like normal, we will see acres of breaking fish on the surface. This can be really thrilling as we run from school to school before they go down. Here are a few photos from this season (from May to July). I hope you enjoy them.
Thanks and I hope to see you aboard the boat this fall!
Good Fishing,
Captain Dave

Sisters Leigh and Lyn enjoy a lovely summer day on the lake.
Another father and son team take on the stripers!
Young ladies are some of the best when it comes to striper fishing.

And the young men are always enthusiastic.